德国柏林工业大学是一所著名的大学,在今年的QS世界大学排名中排在164位。柏林工业大学也是德国九所卓越理工大学联盟TU9 的成员之一,每年都招收国际生。柏林工业大学的硕士申请要一般要求、特定学科入学要求和语言技能要求。那么,柏林工业大学的本科申请有哪些要求呢?和出国留学网来看看吧。
Applicants with international higher education entrance qualification
The following information and instructions only applies to applicants for preparatory courses (Studienkolleg / Propädeutikum) and undergraduate programs (Bachelor and State examination).
Entry requirements
1.Higher education entrance qualification
If you are applying for admission at TU Berlin you must provide a higher education entrance qualification (Hochschulzugangsberechtigung / HZB). This could be a secondary school leaving certificate, in some cases combined with a university entrance exam. Sometimes, you have also to provide a transcript of records of your previous university or a university degree, if available.
(1)0Anabin: Evaluation of your educational certificates
Uni-assist e.V. will evaluate your higher education entrance qualification with regard to the standards of the German institution Zentraleinrichtung für ausländisches Bildungswesen / ZAB. If you are looking for these standards for your own orientation please check the website of Anabin. Anabin provides useful information about higher education entrance qualifications and potentially recognition of different educational certificates (country specific).
Please note, evaluation via uni-assist e.V. takes place only for your chosen undergraduate program and admission term. Changing your undergraduate program requires a new application and reevaluation.
(2)Preparatory courses: Studienkolleg and Propädeutikum
Studienkolleg: Assessment test / Feststellungsprüfung
You may have to attend the Studienkolleg if your higher education entrance qualification is not equal to the German higher education entrance qualification / German Abitur. In this case, you hold an indirect higher education entrance qualification and need to pass the assessment test (Feststellungsprüfung) before applying for an undergraduate program. The assessment test may be taken internally (after attending the Studienkolleg) as well as externally (externe Feststellungsprüfung / Ergänzungsprüfung). Please note, your indirect higher education entrance qualification must be subject-specific for either a technical, mathematical and scientific or social and economic science or medical, biological and pharmaceutical undergraduate program.
The TU Berlin offers 3 types of subject-specific preparatory courses:
W-Course: for social and economic science undergraduate programs
T-Course: for technical, mathematical or scientific undergraduate programs
M-Course: for medical, biological and pharmaceutical undergraduate programs
Applicants for Studienkolleg must provide German language proficiencies and additionally for the “W course” English language proficiencies.
Propädeutikum: German language course at the Studienkolleg
You may have to attend the Propädeutikum if your higher education entrance qualification is equal to the German higher education entrance qualification /German Abitur and you can provide proof of German language certificate B2 or higher. After 1 semester you can take an exam in German that corresponds to DSH-2. Please note, your direct higher education entrance qualification must be subject-specific for either a technical, scientific or social and economic sciences undergraduate program.
All applicants must apply via uni-assist e.V.
Before admission for the TU Berlin preparatory courses, you have to pass the Studienkolleg entrance exam (Aufnahmetest).
(3)Subject-specific higher education entrance qualification: Undergraduate programs and corresponding preparatory courses
If you hold a subject-specific higher education entrance qualification, you are only eligible to apply for specific preparatory courses or specific undergraduate programs.
(4)Studying without higher education entrance qualification: Admission with vocational qualification
In accordance to § 11 Berliner Hochschulgesetz / BerlHG the TU Berlin permits holders of a vocational qualification without a higher education entrance qualification admission for undergraduate programs.
Depending on the vocational training and work experience/qualification admission will be granted either only for specific or for all undergraduate programs.
Uni-assist e.V.将根据德国机构Zentraleinrichtung für ausländisches Bildungswesen / ZAB的标准,对你的高等教育入学证书进行评估。如果你对评估标准不了解,想知道这些标准,请到Anabin网站上核对。Anabin提供有高等教育证书和不同教育证书潜在认可(根据国家来定)方面的有用信息。
请注意,Uni-assist e.V.评估只针对你选定的本科课程,只在招生期间评估。更换本科课程需要重新申请和重新评估。
(2)预备课程:Studienkolleg and Propädeutikum
Studienkolleg: 评估测试
b.如果你的高等教育入学证书与德国高等教育入学证书同等,并且能提供B2级以上的德语语言能力证明,那么你需要学习预备课程。在一个学期的学习之后,你可以参加考试语言为德语的考试,这种考试相当于 DSH-2。请注意,你持有的直接高等教育入学证书必须是特定学科的,必须与技术、科学、社会或经济本科课程有关。
所有申请人必须通过 uni-assist e.V.申请
根据§ 11 Berliner Hochschulgesetz 的规定,柏林工业大学允许持有职业证书但不没有高等教育入学证书的学生入学本科课程。
2.Language proficiencies
Currently all undergraduate programs are taught in German. Therefore, you must provide proof of German language skills. In some cases English language skills are required too.
Your language certificate must be submitted to uni-assist e.V. complete as an official authentificated copy before the deadline expires.
A proof of application for a German language course or a German language test or a certificate of attendance is not sufficient. Only certificates from recognized schools will be taken into consideration.
We recommend to inform yourself in time (approximately 6 months before TU Berlin's application deadline) about recognized language courses and exams.
必须在截止日期之前,将语言证书提交到uni-assist e.V.。需要提交完整的经过官方核实的复印件。
(1)For attending the Studienkolleg / Propädeutikum
a.Certificate B2 or higher in accordance with the European Framework of Reference
b.DSH-1, that is officially recognized from the German Hochschulrektorenkonferenz
c.DSD I (Deutsches Sprachdiplom - Level 1)
d.TestDaF with TDN 3 or higher in all modules
Additionally to German: English for "W-Course":
e.Certificate A2 or higher in accordance with the European Framework of Reference
a. 欧洲参照框架内的B2 及以上证书;
d.作为外语的德语考试。所在模块在TDN 3及以上;
(2)For externally assessment test (without attending the Studienkolleg)
It is generally possible to take the assessment test for W-Course or T-Course externally without attending our Studienkolleg (externe Feststellungsprüfung).
You must provide the following language proficiencies:
a.Certificate C1 or higher in accordance with the European Framework of Reference
Additionally to German: English for "W-Course":
b.Certificate B1 or higher in accordance with the European Framework of Reference
a.欧洲参照框架内的C2 及以上证书;
(3)For a supplementary test (without attending the Studienkolleg)
You have already passed successfully the assessment test (Feststellungsprüfung) but the subject of your preparatory course doesn’t match to your chosen undergraduate program? Then, you can pass externally a supplementary test additionally (Ergänzungsprüfung) for W-Course or T-Course, that enables your application for your chosen undergraduate program. Please note, your indirect higher education entrance qualification must be subject-specific for either a technical, scientific or social and economic sciences undergraduate program.
You must provide the following language proficiencies:
a.Certificate of the successfully assessment test at German Studienkolleg (see above): module „German“
Additionally to German: English for "W-Course":
b.Certificate B1 or higher in accordance with the European Framework of Reference
b.欧洲参照框架内的 B1 及以上证书。
(4)For undergraduate programs
ONLY the following German language proficiencies are recognized for admission:
a.Applicants with German, Austrian or Swiss citizenship (Switzerland: only German-speaking region) must only provide a copy of their passports
b.DSH-2 or DSH-3, that are officially recognized from the German Hochschulrektorenkonferenz
c."TestDaF" with TDN 4 or higher in all modules
d.Module "Deutsch" of the assessment exam of a German Studienkolleg (at least grade 4)
e."Deutsches Sprachdiplom der Kultusministerkonferenz - Level II" (DSD II)
f."Deutsche Sprachprüfung II" (DS II) of the Sprachen- und Dolmetscher-Institut München
g."ÖSD-Prüfung C2 Wirtschaftssprache Deutsch"
h."Goethe-Zertifikat C2: großes Deutsches Sprachdiplom"
i."telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule"
If you can provide a secondary school leaving certificate another proof of German proficiencies is not necessary. Recognized are also:
j.Exam of the Matura (subject "Deutsch") from alumni of the bilingually Lyzeum (Poland). Second language of instruction: German. All requirements of the "Absichtserklärung" between Poland and Germany (stated 27.05.2009) must have been complied.
k.Austrian Matura from the Austrian St. Georgs-Kolleg Istanbul (Turkey)
The following German language proficiencies will NOT be recognized:
l."Oberstufe" corresponding to Level C1 (DSH 2) from the Hartnackschule
m.University degree in "Germanistik" (German Language and Literature)
n.IB Diploma: "IB Deutsch als Sprache A oder B im Standard Level oder Higher Level"
o.Subject "German" in a secondary school leaving certificate
p.DSH-2 or DSH-3, that are NOT officially recognized from the German Hochschulrektorenkonferenz
b.得到德国机构官方认可的DSH-2或 DSH-3;
c..TestDaF。所有模块成绩在TDN 4或以上;
e.Deutsches Sprachdiplom der Kultusministerkonferenz - Level II;
f.Deutsche Sprachprüfung II;
g.ÖSD-Prüfung C2 Wirtschaftssprache Deutsch;
h.Goethe-Zertifikat C2: großes Deutsches Sprachdiplom;
i.."telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule;
k.奥地利St. Georgs-Kolleg Istanbul (土耳其)德语考试。
n.国际文凭。"IB Deutsch als Sprache A oder B im Standard Level oder Higher Level" ;
p.没有得到国机构官方认可的DSH-2 或 DSH-3。
Regardless of nationality, applicants who hold an international higher education entrance qualification must apply via uni-assist e.V. The same applies:
if your higher education entrance qualification is recognized by German educational authorities or
if you have successfully passed the assessment test (Feststellungsprüfung) at any Studienkolleg in Germany or
if you are already enrolled at TU Berlin and consider to change your undergraduate program or
if you are applying for a undergraduate program with free admission.
Please note:
First application, then enrollment.
The handling fees for the pre-check by uni-assist e.V. and all required documents have to be submitted to uni-assist e.V. complete and in the required form before the deadline expires - incomplete or late applications will be rejected!
Please ensure that uni-assist e.V. and the TU Berlin always have an up-to-date mailing address and post address (if the name is not on the postbox, don’t forget the 'c/o' or the appartement-number). We are not responsible for missed deadlines because of incorrect contact information!
Information from the current BEWERBERINFO Bachelor International (currently only available in German) of the TU Berlin always have priority over those of other institutions!
Evaluating of applications usually takes up to six weeks. Applications should be submitted as early as possible within the deadline.
无论是哪个国家的学生,对于持有国际高等教育入学证书的申请人,对于通过uni-assist e.V.申请。以下条件同样适用:
uni-assist e.V.的预先审核需要交手续费。手续费和所有要求的文件必须提交给uni-assist e.V.。提交的文件必须完成,必须是按照要求的形式提交,必须在截止日期之前提交——不完整的文件或迟到的申请将被拒绝!
请确保让uni-assist e.V.和柏林工业大学知道你最新的邮箱地址和邮政地址。对于因联系信息有误而造成的申请迟到,学校概不负责。
1)Pre-check by uni-assist e.V.
On behalf of the TU Berlin uni-assist e.V. takes over the preliminary review of applications from applicants with international higher education entrance qualification. That means, all application documents must be sent to uni-assist e.V.
Uni-assist e.V.'s mission is to check
all your application documents with regard to completeness, required formalities, e.g. official authentications and "sworn translations",
your higher education entrance qualification with regard of your chosen undergraduate program,
your language proficiencies,
that all documents have been submitted in paper form before the deadline expires.
Handling fees
Uni-assist e.V. will demand handling fees for the pre-check of application documents. Uni-assist e.V. will start the preliminary review after receiving the payment.
(1)uni-assist e.V.预先审核
uni-assist e.V.代表柏林工业大学,负责对持有国际高等教育入学证书的学生的申请进行预先审核。也就是说,所有申请文件必须提交到uni-assist e.V.。
uni-assist e.V.的任务是审核以下文件:
对于申请文件的预先审核,uni-assist e.V.要求交手续费。uni-assist e.V.将在收到手续费之后开始预先审核。
(2)How to apply
Read all essential information concerning the application process (deadlines, higher education entrance qualification, language proficiencies). Please note, information from the TU Berlin's Team Bachelor International always have priority over those of other institutions.
Please register at the uni-assist applicant portal
Fill in the online application form for the chosen undergraduate program
Submit to uni-assist e.V. online
Send all required documents in the required form to uni-assist e.V. before the deadline expires. Basic requirements along your application form are: proof of higher education entrance qualification, language proficiencies (certificates) and copy of your passport.
In some cases a prior registration at hochschulstart.de is required (NO application via hochschulstart.de! ONLY registration BEFORE application via uni-assist e.V.!).
This only applies to you if you are applying
for the 1st semester for an undergraduate program that have admission restrictions and if you hold a citizienship in Germany, EU, Island, Norway or Liechtenstein or
for a second degree (you already completed an undergraduate program: Bachelor, Diploma, State exam or Magister at a university in EU, Island, Norway or Liechtenstein - but not Germany) and you choose the 1st semester for an undergraduate program that have admission restrictions
b.在uni-assist e.V.的入口处注册;
d.线上将申请提交给uni-assist e.V.
e.在截止日期之前按要求的格式将所需文件提交给uni-assist e.V.。除了申请表,基本的要求有以下:高等教育入学证书证明、语言能力证明、护照的复印件。
某些情况下,需要在 hochschulstart.de 预先登记。(不可以通过 hochschulstart.de 申请。只能在通过uni-assist e.V申请前在 hochschulstart.de 登记。)
(3)Application for "Orientierungsstudium MINTgruen"
If your chosen undergraduate program is "Orientierungsstudium MINTgruen" you also have to apply via uni-assist e.V.:
Read all essential information from the TU Berlin for your application
Fill in the online application form for "Physics / Bachelor / 1st semester"
Submit to uni-assist e.V. online
Send all required documents in the required form to uni-assist e.V. before the deadline expires. Basic requirements along your application form are: proof of higher education entrance qualification, German proficiencies (certificates) and copy of your passport.
Please note:
The "Orientierungsstudium MINTgruen" only starts in a winter semester.
Only after you have successfully applied for “Physics / Bachelor / 1st semester” via uni-assist e.V., you can state “Orientierungsstudium MINTgruen” in the enrollment form.
(3)Orientierungsstudium MINTgruen项目课程申请
如果你选择的本科课程是Orientierungsstudium MINTgruen项目下的课程,你也需要通过uni-assist e.V.申请:
c.线上将申请提交给uni-assist e.V.;
d.在截止日期之前,按照要求的格式,将所有需要的文件提交给uni-assist e.V.。除了申请表,基本的要求有以下:高等教育入学证书证明、德语能力证明和护照的复印件。
Orientierungsstudium MINTgruen的课程只在冬季学期开课。
只有成功通过uni-assist e.V申请物理/学士/第一学期”,你才能在注册表中陈述Orientierungsstudium MINTgruen。